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Creates, modifies, or deletes a subdirectory to a directory to which you have write access.


@BUILD (DIRECTORY NAME) str:<directory>


is the name of the (mounted) structure containing the directory you are building.
is the name of the directory you are building. The directory name can contain 39 or fewer alphanumeric characters, including the following special characters: '_', '-' and '$'. The name must be enclosed in angle brackets <> or square brackets [].
indicates that you automatically enter subcommand mode after completing the BUILD command line.
Summary of BUILD Subcommands (defaults in boldface)
DEFAULT-FILE-PROTECTION octal protection code Default n - 777700
DIRECTORY-GROUP group number
GENERATIONS n Default n - 1
DIRECTORY-GROUP group number
USER-OF-GROUP group number
NUMBER octal directory number
OFFLINE-EXPIRATION-DEFAULT date or +nDefault n - 90
ONLINE-EXPIRATION-DEFAULT date or +nDefault n - 60
PASSWORD 1- to 39-character word
Default n - 250
PROTECTION octal protection codeDefault n - 777700
USER-OF-GROUP group number
Default n - 250
BUILD Subcommands
ABORT cancels all work done during current BUILD command. If directory was new, it does not exist; if old, it remains unchanged.
ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS allows the directory owner to establish INTERNET Protocol network connections using 32-bit absolute socket numbers; users with Wheel or Operator capabilities can also perform this function. For use only with systems that are connected to a TCP/IP network. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
ACCOUNT-DEFAULT account causes the specified account to be charged for a terminal session whenever the user does not include an account in his LOGIN command.
ARCHIVE-ONLINE-EXPIRED-FILES causes on-line files that have expired to be marked for archiving.
CONFIDENTIAL grants the directory owner confidential information access capabilities, allowing him to obtain confidential information within the system through certain monitor calls. See the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual for details. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
DECNET-ACCESS allows the directory owner to establish DECNET network connections. This subcommand works in conjunction with pre-established system manager controls. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
DEFAULT-FILE-PROTECTION octal protection code assigns this number as default for the protection code of each file subsequently placed in the directory.

The protection code is constructed (by addition) from the octal values shown below:

77full access to the file
40read the file
20write and delete the file
10execute the program contained in the file
04append to the file
02list the files specification using DIRECTORY-class commands
00no access to the file
Default code - 777700

See the TOPS-20 User's Guide for more information about protection codes.

DIRECTORY-GROUP group number places the directory in a group, thereby allowing users in the same group access to it according to the middle two digits of the protection code, and access to files in the directory according to the middle two digits of each file's protection code. You can assign up to 40 directory group numbers to each directory, with values ranging from 1 through 262143 (2**18 - 1). See the TOPS-20 System Manager's Guide for a discussion of groups.
DISABLE suspends any special capabilities that you may have activated with the ENABLE subcommand or the ENABLE TOPS-20 command.
ENABLE allows you to activate any privileged capabilities that the system manager has given you and that you may need during the BUILD session.
ENQ-DEQ grants the directory owner the ability to perform global Enqueue and Dequeue functions; these are discussed in the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
EXPIRATION-OF-PASSWORD n sets the password expiration date for the directory. You can specify the date and time to expire the password. The user can log in again once after the password expires and is prompted for a new password.
EXPIRE sets the password expiration date to -1, which means that the user cannot login to the account because the account is expired.
FILES-ONLY declares the directory to be a files-only directory; one not associated with a user. See Restrictions - Files-only Directories, below.
GENERATIONS n specifies a default for the number of successive generations of files to be retained in the directory. This number must be from 0 to 15, with 0 meaning an infinite number.

Default n - 1

IPCF allows the directory owner to execute all privileged IPCF functions; these are discussed in the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
INTERNET-ACCESS allows the directory owner to establish INTERNET Protocol network connections. This subcommand works in conjunction with pre-established system manager controls. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
INTERNET-WIZARD allows the directory owner to use special queues for sending and receiving information using the INTERNET Network Protocol. For use only with systems that are connected to a TCP/IP network. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
KILL eliminates the directory and any files it contains from the system; you must confirm this subcommand with an extra RETURN.
provides a listing at your terminal of parameter values set for the directory by TOPS-20 commands, BUILD subcommands, or by default. The FAST listing always includes the subdirectory's name, working and permanent storage limits, and, if they have been set, directory number, account default, maximum number of subdirectories allowed to this directory, the date and time of last log-in, group memberships, and user group numbers assignable by this directory. The VERBOSE listing adds the other values that can be assigned by BUILD subcommands, while NAME-ONLY restricts output to the directory name.

Default - FAST

MAINTENANCE allows the directory owner to execute certain system maintenance functions or monitor calls; discussed in the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES n allows the owner of this directory to build up to n subdirectories of his own, and subtracts an equal number from the value of this parameter for the superior directory.
DIRECTORY-GROUP group number
USER-OF-GROUP group number
withdraws the specified subcommand
NUMBER octal directory number assigns a specific directory number to a new directory (note: usually the default is adequate). Directory numbers 1 through 17 must never be assigned by users, as they are reserved for system use.

Default directory number - assigned by system

OFFLINE-EXPIRATION-DEFAULT date or +n establishes the tape expiration date for files that are to go off line because of migration or archiving. If you specify "+n", the expiration date will be n days from the date the files are moved off line.

The default date cannot exceed the system maximum. Check the system maximum with the command INFORMATION (ABOUT) SYSTEM-STATUS.

ONLINE-EXPIRATION-DEFAULT date or +n establishes the disk expiration date for files that are to be created in the directory. If you specify "+n", the expiration date will be n days from the creation date.
OPERATOR grants Operator capabilities to the owner of the directory; these are discussed further in the TOPS-20 Operator's Guide. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
PASSWORD 1- to 39-character word assigns a password, consisting of alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-), to the directory. You can include any special characters (except '@', ';', '!' and '?') in a password by typing CTRL/V before each special character. Unlike special characters in file specifications, CTRL/V is required only when creating the password, not when using it.
allocates permanent disk storage capacity (in pages) to the directory, and subtracts an equal number from the permanent disk storage capacity of the superior directory. INFINITY allows users with WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities to allocate an unlimited number of pages to the directory. The permanent disk storage of the superior directory must also be INFINITY. The number of pages that can be used is limited to the number of free pages on the structure.

The INFINITY argument is intended for special system directories; it is not intended for general users.

Default pages - 250

PRESERVE preserves the values of the superior directory's PERMANENT, WORKING and MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES parameters. PRESERVE stops the PERMANENT, WORKING, and MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES subcommands from subtracting the values from the quotas in the superior directory. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities.
PROTECTION octal protection code assigns the given directory protection code to the directory. The protection code is constructed (by addition) from the octal values shown below:
77full access to the directory
40access to files in the directory (including expunging individual files), consistent with the file protection of the files
10 connect to the directory without giving a password, undelete files, expunge the entire directory, and change times, dates, and accounting information for files. All other access is governed by the file protection of each file.
04create files in the directory
00no access to the directory
Default code - 777700
See the TOPS-20 User's Guide for more information about protection codes.
PUSH creates an EXEC level inferior to the one from which you issued the BUILD command and leaves your terminal at this new level. You can then issue TOPS-20 commands to create conditions or obtain information that you may need during the BUILD session. Give the POP command to return to BUILD. See Example 6.

This subcommand refers to the EXEC defined by the logical name DEFAULT-EXEC:. You can use the DEFINE command to define the job logical name, DEFAULT-EXEC:, with the name of the EXEC you want to create each time you PUSH.

REPEAT-LOGIN-MESSAGES causes all system messages (mail sent by privileged users to all users, contained in the file, PS:<SYSTEM>MAIL.TXT) to be printed on the user's terminal each time he logs in to this directory. If this subcommand is not given, only those system messages created since the last time he logged in are printed.
SECURE sets any new files created in the specified directory secure by default. When a file is secure, the Access Control Job checks to see if the user has access to that file before the user can read, write, append, rename, delete, set secure, or set unsecure that file.
SEMI-OPERATOR creates or modifies directories to include the SEMI-OPERATOR privileges, which allows unprivileged users to run OPR and execute certain OPR commands. These commands are strictly for accessing information and controlling certain devices. See the TOPS-20 Operator's Command Language Manual for more information on SEMI-OPERATOR. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR privileges.
SUBDIRECTORY-USER-GROUP group number allows propagation of any or all of the group numbers in a directory's user group list to the subdirectories of that directory. Issuing this subcommand is the first step required in establishing subdirectory group rights. You complete the process by issuing the USER-OF-GROUP subcommand for each subdirectory. You can assign up to 40 subdirectory user group numbers to each directory, with values ranging from 1 to 262143 (2**18 - 1).
TOPS10-PROJECT-PROGRAMMER-NUMBER project number, programmer number allows TOPS-10 programs that require a project-programmer number (PPN) to create subjobs to be compatible with TOPS-20. The project number is an octal number in the range 10-377777. The programmer number is a six-digit octal number. Separate the project number from the programmer number with a comma, for example 17,76.
USER-OF-GROUP number assigns the directory owner to the given group. You can assign up to 40 group numbers to each directory, with values ranging from 1 to 262143 (2**18 - 1). See the TOPS-20 System Manager's Guide for a discussion of groups.
WHEEL grants WHEEL capabilities to the owner of the directory, allowing him to perform all the privileged functions available on the system; these are discussed further in the TOPS-20 Operator's Guide. Requires WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilties.
allocates working disk storage capacity (in pages) to the directory, and subtracts an equal number from the working disk storage capacity of the superior directory. This working space is temporary and is allocated to the directory only while the user is logged in. Ordinarily, working and permanent storage limits are equal.

INFINITY allows users with WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities to allocate an unlimited number of pages to the directory. The working disk storage of the superior directory must also be INFINITY. The number of pages that can be used is limited to the number of free pages on the structure.

The INFINITY argument is intended for special system directories; it is not intended for general users.

Default pages - 250



The BUILD command is identical in format to the privileged ^ECREATE command. If you use BUILD with WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities enabled, it has the same power as ^ECREATE, namely, to create directories and modify the parameters of any directory on the system. Without these capabilities, you can use BUILD to modify a more restricted set of directories: you can modify a directory if you have write access to the immediately superior directory. The LOGIN, CONNECT, or ACCESS command obtains write access to the superior directory; or, if you have sufficient group rights to the superior directory, you can use BUILD to modify its subdirectories.

More Information

For a description of using ^ECREATE to create directories, see the TOPS-20 Operator's Command Language Reference Manual.

Quotas Subtracted from the Superior Directory's Allotments

Working and permanent disk storage page limits, and the maximum number of subdirectories allowed to a subdirectory are subtracted from the quotas allocated to the immediately superior directory. This subtraction occurs at the time of their allotment to a subdirectory. If the superior directory's quota is not sufficient, the BUILD command will fail. (Note that if you have enabled WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities, you can stop the subtraction of quotas from the superior directory with the PRESERVE subcommand.)

To increase the superior directory's quota or any of these quantities you must either kill some of its subdirectories or reduce their allotments of the quantity. Or you can ask the system manager to increase the allotment of the superior directory. Remember that unless you specify working and permanent page limits, they will assume a default value of 250 pages. The BUILD command will fail in this case if there are not at least 250 pages free in the immediately superior directory.

Assigning Infinite Quotas

If you have WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities enabled, you can assign the maximum storage limit of 34359738367 (2**35-1) to a directory. This will appear in the response to an INFORMATION DIRECTORY command as +INF, denoting infinite storage capacity. If you then use the BUILD command to construct subdirectories to this directory, any disk storage capacity assigned, even the maximum, will not be subtracted from the superior directory. You can use this feature to assign infinite storage capacity to a number of users sharing a private structure. Then these users may use storage space on the structure without limit until the disk pack fills up.


Keeping Track of Subdirectories

Subdirectories appear as files of type .DIRECTORY in the immediately superior directory, so the DIRECTORY *.DIRECTORY command for the superior directory will indicate any existing subdirectories. To suppress the listing of these files you can use the SET FILE PROTECTION command to give them a protection of 000000, but then you must specify the files completely (including generation number) to access them in the future.

If there are two or more levels of subdirectories below a superior directory, you can do something else to allow a listing of them: put each subdirectory into a group of which the owner of the highest-level superior directory is a member. Then, if you obtain the group rights of this owner (by using the LOGIN or ACCESS command if the superior directory is on the public structure, or ACCESS if it is on another structure), the INFORMATION DIRECTORY <directory.*> command with the NAME-ONLY subcommand will produce a listing of subdirectories at every level beneath the superior directory. For this feature to operate properly the group field of each subdirectory's protection code must be at least 40.

Modifying Subdirectories Easily

By following the above procedure, that is, by making owner of the highest-level superior directory is also a member, you make the modification of these subdirectories much easier. You can use the BUILD command to modify these subdirectories or read and write to them, as long as you have the group memberships of this owner. You need not connect to each subdirectory's immediate superior to make modifications.


Giving Capabilities to Subdirectory Owners

To give capabilities (WHEEL, OPERATOR, SEMI-OPERATOR, ABSOLUTE-ARPANET-SOCKETS, ARPANET-WIZARD, CONFIDENTIAL, ENQ-DEQ, IPCF, or MAINTENANCE) to a subdirectory owner, you must have these capabilities yourself, and they must be enabled at the time of the BUILD command. WHEEL and OPERATOR capabilities allow you to assign any capabilities. The INFORMATION DIRECTORY command for your log-in directory tells you which capabilities you have, if any.

Modifying Other Directories

Unless you have WHEEL or OPERATOR capabilities enabled, you can use the BUILD command to modify the parameters of only those directories subordinate to a directory to which you have write access. (See Characteristics - BUILD and ^ECREATE, and Hints - Modifying Subdirectories Easily, above.) If your installation allows it, you can use the SET DIRECTORY command to change some parameters of these directories.

Files-only Directories

By giving the FILES-ONLY subcommand you make the directory a files-only directory (see Figure 1). A files-only directory is not associated with a user and so should not be given capabilities or user group memberships. Although a files-only directory can have subdirectories, none of these can be a user directory. You cannot give the ACCESS or LOGIN command for a files-only directory.

Killing Directories

You cannot kill a directory that has subdirectories; first you must kill those subdirectories one by one. (When you kill a directory, the files it contains are deleted and expunged.) Also, you cannot kill a directory if you are logged into it or connected to it, or there are open files on it.

Restricted Use of BUILD Command

Your system manager may make the BUILD and SET DIRECTORY commands available only to users with enabled Wheel or Operator capabilities.

Related Commands

INFORMATION DIRECTORY for examining the parameters established for a directory
INFORMATION DISK-USAGE for determining how much of a directory's disk space is already assigned to files
SET DIRECTORY for changing certain directory parameters


The examples show how a user with a directory named <CHEM> builds subdirectories in the pattern shown in Figure 1.

                             |   <CHEM>   |
                             |            |                    
                    /            /     \            \
                   /            /       \            \
                  /            /         \            \
                 /            /           \            \
                /            /             \            \
               /            /               \            \
---------------- ---------------- -------------------- ----------------
|              | |              | | (files-only)     | | (files-only) |
---------------- ---------------- -------------------- ----------------
      |                   |
      |                   |
      V                   V
-------------------- --------------------
| (files-only)     | | (files-only)     |
-------------------- --------------------

Figure 2-1:  Directories and Subdirectories
  1. Build directories for two of your students or employees, assigning disk space and passwords and placing them in one of your directory groups; check their parameters.
    @@WORKING 50
    @@PERMANENT 50
     Working disk storage page limit 50
     Permanent disk storage page limit 50
     Account default for LOGIN - none set
     Directory groups 2391
    @@WORKING 50
    @@PERMANENT 50
     Name <CHEM.BLAKE>
     Working disk storage page limit 50
     Permanent disk storage page limit 50
     Account default for LOGIN - none set
     Directory groups 2391
  2. Modify Blake's directory to allow him to create two subdirectories.
  3. Build a files-only directory to store examination questions.
    @@WORKING 10
    @@PERMANENT 10
  4. Build a files-only directory as a library directory for your subdirectory owners. Place the directory and these users in the same group.
    @@WORKING 25
    @@PERMANENT 25
    @@PROTECTION 774000
    @@USER-GROUP 2392
    @@USER-GROUP 2392
  5. User Blake quits. Delete his directory.
  6. Modify a subdirectory so that the subdirectory's owner will have 350 disk pages available.
    @@PERMANENT 350
    ?Request exceeds superior directory permanent quota.
    Please fix incorrect subcommands.
    The action above produced an error message. To correct the error, PUSH out of the BUILD session to learn what the superior directory's permanent quota is.
     TOPS-20 Command processor 7(70)
     70 Pages assigned
     261 Working pages, 261 Permanent pages allowed
     7546 Pages free on PS:, 144454 pages used.
    Then return to the BUILD session, and specify a permanent quota that is less than the superior directory's quota of 261 disk pages.
    [Continuing BUILD of directory PS:<TUCKER.TEST>]
    @@PERMANENT 170

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