TOPS-20 User's Guide - Appendix B Standard file types
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Appendix B Standard file types

Table B-1 lists the file types that have a specific meaning to the system or to certain programs. When you create a file for use with a particular program, you should assign the correct file type. If you do, the system has more information about the file and can attempt to perform the correct function after you type a minimum set of commands or switches. Normally, no penalty arises from assigning an undefined file type, but if you assign an incorrect file type, the system may incorrectly interpret the file, especially when you use the LOAD-class commands.

   Table B-1:  Standard File Types


     File Type         Kind of File                   Meaning

        68C               Source           Source file in the  COBOL-68

        74C               Source           Source file in the  COBOL-74

        A10               ASCII            ASCII    version    of     a
                                           DECSYSTEM-20  program loaded
                                           by the PDP-11

        A11               ASCII            ASCII version  of  a  PDP-11
                                           program loaded by the PDP-11

        ABS               Object           Absolute    (nonrelocatable)

        AID               Source           Source file in AID language

        ALG               Source           Source   file    in    ALGOL

        ALP               ASCII            Printer forms alignment

        ATO               ASCII            PTYCON   automatic   command

        ATR               Binary           Attribute  file  in   SIMULA

        AWT               Binary           Data  for   automatic   wire

        BAK               Source           Backup file from TECO

        B10               Source           Source file in the  BLISS-10

        B20               Source           Source    file    in     the
                                           BASIC-PLUS-2/20 language

        B36               Source           Source file in the  BLISS-36

        BAS               Source           Source   file    in    BASIC

        BCM               ASCII            Listing  file   created   by
                                           FILCOM (binary compare)

        BCP               Source           Source file in BCPL language

        BFR               ASCII            Copy of VTECO buffer

        BIN               Binary           Binary file

        BIX               ASCII            Output of  the  DSR  program
                                           for input to the TCX program

        BLB               ASCII            Blurb file

        BLI               Source           Source  file   in   BLISS-10

        BOX               ASCII            Output  of  BOX  program   -
                                           picture     for    use    in
                                           specifications and manuals

        BTC               ASCII            Output of  the  DSR  program
                                           for input to the TOC program

        BUG               Object           Saved  to  show  a   program

        BWR               ASCII            Beware file listing warnings
                                           about a file or program

        C68               Source           Source file in the  COBOL-68

        C74               Source           Source file in the  COBOL-74

        CAL               Object           CAL data and program files

        CBL               Source           Source file in  COBOL-68  or
                                           COBOL-74 language

        CCL               ASCII            Command file for LINK

        CDP               ASCII, Binary    Spooled  output   for   card

        CED               ASCII            Input to COPYED

        CFL               ASCII            RUNFIL command file

        CKP               Binary           Checkpoint core  image  file
                                           created  by  COBOL operating

        CHN               Object           CHAIN file

        CMD               ASCII            Command file

        COB               ASCII            COBOL Source File

        COR               ASCII            Correction file for SOUP

        CPY               Binary           Copy of a crash  written  by

        CRF               ASCII            CREF (cross-reference) input

        CTL               ASCII            Batch control file

        DAT               ASCII, Binary    Data (FORTRAN) file,  output
                                           file   with   ANSI  carriage

        DCT               ASCII            Dictionary of words

        DIR               ASCII            Directory   from   DIRECTORY

        DMP               ASCII            COBOL compiler dump file

        DOC               ASCII            Listing of modifications  to
                                           the  most  recent version of
                                           the software

        DRW               Binary           Drawing  for  VB10C  drawing

        ERR               ASCII            Error message file

        EXE               Object           Executable program

        FAI               Source           Source file in FAIL language

        FCL               Source           Source   file    in    FOCAL

        FLO               ASCII            English language flowchart

        FOR               Source           Source   file   in   FORTRAN

        FRM               ASCII            Blank form  for  handwritten

        FTP               Source           FORTRAN test programs

        GND               ASCII            List  of  ground  pins   for
                                           automatic wirewrap

        HGH               Object           Nonsharable high segment  of
                                           a     TOPS-10    two-segment

        HLP               ASCII            Help text files

        IDA               ASCII, Binary    COBOL ISAM data file

        IDX               ASCII,SIXBIT     Index file of a  COBOL  ISAM

        INI               ASCII, Binary    Initialization file

        L36               Object           LIBRARY object file for  the
                                           BLISS-36 language

        LAP               ASCII            Output   from    the    LISP

        LIB               ASCII            COBOL source library

        LOG               ASCII            Batch, PTYCON  or  LINK  log

        LOW               Object           Low  segment  of  a  TOPS-10
                                           two-segment program

        LPT               ASCII            Spooled  output   for   line

        LSP               Source           Source file in LISP language

        LST               ASCII            Listing  data   created   by
                                           assemblers and compilers

        MAC               Source           Source   file    in    MACRO

        MAN               ASCII            Manual (documentation) file

        MAP               ASCII            LINK map file

        MEM               ASCII            Formatted text file produced
                                           by the DSR program

        MID               Source           Source file  in  MIDAS  (MIT
                                           Assembler) language

        MIM               Binary           Snapshot of MIMIC simulator

        MSB               Object           MUSIC compiler binary output

        MUS               Source           MUSIC compiler input

        N                 Source           Source   file   in    NELIAC

        NEW               All              New version of a program  or

        OBJ               Object           PDP-11  relocatable   binary

        OLD               Source, Object   Backup source program

        OPR               ASCII            Installation  and   assembly

        OVR               Object           COBOL overlay file

        P11               Source           Source  program  in   MACX11

        PAL               Source           Source file in PAL 10 (PDP-8

        PAS               Source           Source file  in  the  PASCAL

        PCO               ASCII            Program change order

        PL1               Source           Source file in PL1 language

        PLM               ASCII            Program logic manual

        PLO               Binary           Compressed plot output

        PLT               ASCII            Spooled output for plotter

        PPL               Source           Source file in PPL language

        PTP               ASCII, Binary    Spooled      output      for
                                           paper-tape punch

        Qxx               ASCII            Edit backup file

        R36               Source           LIBARY source file  for  the
                                           BLISS-36 language

        RAM               ASCII            DECSYSTEM-20 microcode

        REL               Object           Relocatable binary file

        REQ               Source           LIBARY source file  for  the
                                           BLISS-36 language

        RIM               Object           RIM loader file

        RNO               ASCII            Programming   specifications
                                           in DSR input

        RSP               ASCII            SCRIPT  response  time   log

        RSX               All              Files for RSX-11

        RUN               ASCII            Command file for SYSJOB

        SAI               Source           Source file in SAIL language

        SAV               Object           Low    segment    from     a
                                           one-segment TOPS-10 program

        SCD               ASCII            Differences in directory

        SCM               ASCII            Listing  file   created   by
                                           FILCOM (source compare)

        SCP               ASCII            SCRIPT control file

        SEQ               ASCII, SIXBIT    Sequential COBOL data  file,
                                           input to ISAM program

        SHR               Object           A TOPS-10 sharable program

        SIM               ASCII            Source   file   in    SIMULA

        SMP               Source           Source   file   in    SIMPLE

        SNO               Source           Source   file   in    SNOBOL

        SPC               ASCII            Corrected  file  for   SPELL

        SPD               ASCII            Dictionary for SPELL program

        SPM               ASCII            File of mispelled words  for
                                           SPELL program

        SPT               ASCII            SPRINT - created files

        SPU               ASCII            File of uppercase words  for
                                           SPELL program

        SPX               ASCII            File  of  exception  (error)
                                           lines for SPELL program

        SRC               ASCII            Source files

        STB                                Symbol table file

        STD               ASCII            Standards

        SYM               Binary           LINK symbol file

        SYS               Binary           Special system files

        TEC               ASCII            TECO macro

        TEM               ASCII, Binary    Temporary files

        TMP               ASCII, Binary    Temporary files

        TPB               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           a .BLB file

        TPC               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           a .CCO file

        TPD               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           a .DOC file

        TPE               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           error message text

        TPH               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           a .HLP file

        TPL               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           a logic manual

        TPM               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           a .MAN file

        TPO               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           a programming specification

        TPP               ASCII            Typeset input for  producing
                                           an .OPR file

        TSK               Object           An RSX-11 task image

        TST               All              Test data

        TV                ASCII            Command file for TV

        TXT               ASCII            Text file

        UPD               ASCII            Updates  flagged  in  margin

        WCH               ASCII            SCRIPT monitor (WATCH) file

        WRL               ASCII            Wirelist

        XOR               Binary           Module data for XOR tester

        XPN               Object           Expanded  save  file  (FILEX
                                           and LINK)

        Zxx               ASCII            EDIT original file (all xx)

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