This chapter describes:
You use a terminal to communicate with the system. Although many different types and models of terminals exist, they all have similar keyboards, which resemble typewriter keyboards.
Before you begin using the system, become familiar with the keyboard on the terminal. In addition to the standard characters (letters, numbers, and punctuation) and the space bar, there are keys that perform special functions. Table 1-1 describes these keys and their functions.
GETTING ON AND OFF THE SYSTEM Table 1-1: Special Function Keys ____________________________________________________________________ Key Function ____________________________________________________________________ CTRL The CTRL (or control) key initiates a number of system (Control) functions when it is used in conjunction with another character. To type a control character, hold down the CTRL key, and at the same time press the character you want. For example: to type a CTRL/C, hold down the CTRL key and at the same time press the letter C. In most cases this prints (echoes) on your terminal as ^C. DELETE The DELETE key erases characters. On some terminals this key is labeled DEL, RUBOUT, RUB CHAR OUT, or with a special symbol. ESC The ESC (or escape) key initiates a variety of (Escape) different functions. o Completes an abbreviated command and prompts you with a guideword o Completes an abbreviated argument o Ends input to some system programs o Causes special functions to be performed by some programs At TOPS-20 command level, the ESC key o Does not echo on your terminal o Displays an error message if you have made an error o Rings the terminal bell when you try to use it to complete a command and you have not typed sufficient information At system program level, depending upon the program you are running, the ESC key sometimes echoes on the terminal as a dollar sign. On some terminals this key is labeled ESCAPE, ALT, or ALTMODE. If there is no escape key on your terminal, use CTRL/[ (press the CTRL and the left square bracket keys at the same time) to duplicate the function of the escape key. RETURN The RETURN key confirms to the system that you have completed a line and causes the terminal's cursor or printing head to go to the beginning of the next line. Unless you are told otherwise, terminate all command lines by pressing the RETURN key. On some terminals this key is labeled CR or RET. SP Creates a blank space by moving the terminal printing (Space Bar) head one space to the right. TAB The TAB key causes the cursor or printing head to move to the right to the next tab stop. Tab stops are normally every eight spaces. This is useful for aligning columns of data and for formatting programs. If there is no TAB key on your terminal, use CTRL/I to duplicate the function of the TAB Key. ____________________________________________________________________
Some terminals are connected to the computer by telephone. If you are using such a terminal, find out the computer phone number and use the following procedure:
Your terminal is now connected to the computer. The system prints a system identification message similar to the following:
KL2102, TOPS-20 Development Sys., TOPS-20 Monitor 7(7) @
The @ character, which is the TOPS-20 prompt, indicates that TOPS-20 is ready to accept a command.
Press any key on the keyboard to signal the system that you want to log in. After you press a key, a system identification message and the TOPS-20 prompt, @, are printed on the terminal.
If you do not receive the system identification message, one of the following conditions exists:
If the system is not available for your use, you receive a message similar to the following:
This message means that the operator has set the system to prevent timesharing. The system notifies you when it resumes its timesharing operation by printing a message similar to the following:
SYSTEM RESTARTING, WAIT...and after a pause,
[FROM OPERATOR: SYSTEM IN OPERATION]If the system is full, you receive the following message:
?FULL reason
Wait a few minutes; then press a key. Repeat this until you receive the system identification message. The explanation that follows ?FULL is meaningful to the system manager and to system programmers. If you must wait an excessive length of time before successfully logging in, you might want to bring the error message to the attention of one of these people.
Terminals have different characteristics for printing information, depending on their type and speed. Because you have not yet told the system the kind of terminal you are using, the system automatically sets defaults for the terminal. These defaults are based on the most common type of terminal at your site. The defaults set parameters such as the terminal page length at 66 lines and the line width at 72 characters, in addition to setting lowercase and tabs. The INFORMATION TERMINAL command displays the settings of these parameters or values, along with other characteristics of your terminal.
After the system prints the system identification message and the TOPS-20 prompt (@), you are at TOPS-20 command level and you can give commands to the system. Type the TOPS-20 command INFORMATION TERMINAL-MODE and press RETURN. The system prints the information about your terminal.
Note that you can specify a terminal line number after the (FOR TERMINAL) guidewords. This allows you to obtain information about another user's terminal. The system uses your terminal line number as the default when you do not specify one. The SYSTAT command (discussed in Section 3.1) shows the line numbers for all users on the system.
Once you are at TOPS-20 command level, you can inform the system of the type of terminal you are using.
_________________________________ Terminal Types Recognized by the System _________________________________ HARD COPY VIDEO MODEL 33 H19 MODEL 35 TERMINET MODEL 37 TI EXECUPORT (TI) VT05 LA30 VT50 LA36 VT52 LA38 VT100 LA120 VT102 VT105 VT200-SERIES | VT300-SERIES ___________________________________ NOTE Installations can add other terminals to their individual systems.
To declare the terminal type, give the TERMINAL command, and type in the type of your terminal. In this example, the terminal type is a VT100.
After you identify the terminal type to the system, all subsequent output conforms to preset terminal parameters for that type. The terminal type specifies the proper values for:
If you do not set the proper parameters for the terminal, you may find the output format undesirable for your work.
After you identify the terminal type, you can again give the INFORMATION TERMINAL-MODE command to see the parameters that were set as a result of your TERMINAL command.
Tell the system you are using a VT100 by giving the TERMINAL command; then give the INFORMATION TERMINAL-MODE command.
Setting the terminal type changes only the following parameters: terminal type, length, width, lowercase, formfeed, and tab. Therefore, when you identify the terminal as a VT100, the output conforms to the parameters for that type of terminal, that is, a page length of 24 lines, a line width of 80 characters, lowercase letters, no mechanical formfeed, and no mechanical tabs.
Identifying the terminal type for a video terminal additionally allows more effective use of the DELETE key. The system erases the last character you typed on the screen rather than print the character followed by a backslash, as it does on a hard-copy terminal.
The following commands control output to terminals:
The TERMINAL PAUSE COMMAND allows you to stop output to the terminal at any time by typing CTRL/S, and continue output by typing CTRL/Q. This command is the default for all terminal types. You can define your own characters to stop and continue output with the TERMINAL PAUSE CHARACTER command discussed below.
TERMINAL PAUSE END-OF-PAGE automatically stops output to the terminal when the output is equal to the current page length set for the terminal. When the system stops the output, it rings the terminal bell and waits for you to type CTRL/Q. The CTRL/Q resumes the output. This prevents the output from rolling off a video terminal screen so rapidly that you cannot read it. However, if you want to stop the output before the end of the page, type CTRL/S. This command is the default if you declare your terminal to be a video terminal, for example a VT100.
TERMINAL NO PAUSE END-OF-PAGE prevents the output from stopping at the end of the page. This command is the default if you declare your terminal to be a hard-copy terminal, for example an LA36.
If TERMINAL PAUSE END-OF-PAGE is not set, and you need the terminal output to stop at the end of a page, give the following command:
If TERMINAL PAUSE END-OF-PAGE is set, and you do not want the terminal to stop output at the end of the page, give the following command:
TERMINAL PAUSE CHARACTER x y allows you to choose your own pause and continue characters. These characters are alternatives to the CTRL/S and CTRL/Q default characters. (To specify your own pause and continue characters, TERMINAL PAUSE END-OF-PAGE and TERMINAL PAUSE COMMAND must be in effect.)
You can specify the pause and continue characters in several ways. Some of the more common forms are:
Octal ASCII codes for the keyboard characters are listed in several TOPS-20 manuals. The TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Batch Reference Manual, for example, lists these codes.
To specify the space bar as both the pause and continue character, give the following command:
To see the characters that you may have specified in the TERMINAL PAUSE CHARACTER command, give the INFORMATION TERMINAL-MODE command:
In this example, the continuation character is not displayed, because it is the same as the pause character (SPACE). Also, if you specify the TERMINAL NO PAUSE COMMAND or the TERMINAL NO PAUSE END-OF-PAGE command, or if the system default characters, CTRL/S and CTRL/Q, are in effect, the TERMINAL PAUSE CHARACTER line does not appear in the information display.
Several terminal types require that you change the pause and continue characters to something other than CTRL/S and CTRL/Q. For example, the VT125 and the VT100 with the printer port option do not recognize these characters.
When you use the SET HOST command to log in to a remote system, CTRL/S and CTRL/Q are reserved by your host system; they are not passed to the remote system. CTRL/A is the default character for pausing and continuing output coming from a remote system.
Terminals can transmit and receive data at various speeds. This rate of speed is called a baud rate. Baud rates range from 10 to 960 characters per second: 10 characters per second is 110 baud; 960 characters per second is 9600 baud.
There are actually two different speeds: terminal speed and line speed. The terminal speed is the speed at which your terminal receives characters from and transmits characters to the system. This speed is set by switches or keys that are physically located on your terminal. The line speed is the speed at which the system receives characters from and transmits characters to your terminal. The line speed is set with the TERMINAL SPEED command. The terminal speed and the line speed must match for your terminal to communicate with the system.
Your system can have two types of terminal lines, those that are set to a certain speed and "autobaud" lines. An autobaud line automatically sets a line speed that matches the speed of your terminal when you initially type any key on the keyboard.
Your system manager presets line speeds when the type of terminal connected to the terminal line is constant. For example, a terminal line connected to a VT220 video terminal may be set to 9600 baud while a line connected to a slower LA100 hard-copy terminal may be set to 300 baud. Terminal lines are autobaud when the line can be connected to various types of terminals. For example, terminal lines which are reserved for telephone connections to the computer are usually autobaud.
If your terminal is connected by telephone to an autobaud terminal line, an initial character enables the system to determine your terminal's baud rate, provided the rate is 300, 1200, 1800, 2400, or 9600. If the baud rate is 110 or 150, type a second character. If you press a character and fail to get the system identification message, press the BREAK key twice followed by another character.
Do not set the line speed to a speed your terminal (or modem) does not support. If you should do this by mistake, contact the operator for assistance.
To change your terminal and line speeds, first change your line speed with the TERMINAL SPEED command. Then, manually change the speed settings on your terminal.
For example, to change the line speed for input and output to 2400 baud, give the TERMINAL SPEED command:
On some hard-copy terminals, the switch to change the baud rate is located at the left of the keyboard.
On some video terminals, the switch to change the baud rate is located on the underside or the back of the terminal. On others, special keys on the main keyboard are used to change the baud rate.
If you set only the input speed for the line and do not specify the output speed, the system assumes that the output speed is the same as the input speed.
If you are using a hard-copy terminal and accidentally set a line speed incompatible with your terminal, you cannot correct it. Contact the operator, give your terminal line number, and ask him to set your line at the speed you want.
If you are using a video terminal and accidentally set an incorrect line speed, you may be able to correct the speed by setting the terminal speed to the current line speed and then, resetting the line and terminal speeds.
After you start a job on the system, you may find there are more terminal parameters you need to set in addition to those already described. Section 1.6 describes starting a work session with LOGIN. Section 1.9 explains the additional parameters you can set.
Before using TOPS-20 for the first time, you must obtain the following from the staff at your installation.
Your user name, password, and account identify you so that you can use the computer and be charged appropriately.
To start working on the system, you must first identify yourself to the system by typing the LOGIN command, which validates you as a user, creates your job, and begins charging your account. The LOGIN command requires your user name, password, and account. The command also allows you to add remarks concerning the work session. This identification procedure is called logging in. After you give the LOGIN command, the system creates a job and prints a line containing the job number, the terminal number, the current date and time and the date and time of your last login. The system prints an @ on the next line; you are now at TOPS-20 command level.
If, in the process of logging in, you make a typing error, type CTRL/U. This tells the system to ignore everything you have typed on that line, because you have made a mistake and want to start the line over. After you type a CTRL/U, the system prints XXX and then prints @ on the next line.
After the @ prompt, do the following:
On some terminals, the guideword (PASSWORD) may be followed by a nonsense word or message. If this is the case, when you type your password over this word, your password is illegible.
@LOGIN (USER) SARTINI (PASSWORD) (ACCOUNT) 341 Job 40 on TTY127 6-Feb-88 08:42:47 @This message gives you:
Some systems do not require you to enter an account when logging in. If you don't have an account, press the RETURN key after you type your password. You will be logged in.
The following example shows the entire logging-in process:
AURORA, Research and Development, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(7) @LOGIN (USER) SARTINI (PASSWORD) (ACCOUNT) 341 Job 57 on TTY127 23-Jul-88 09:48:40, Last Login 22-Jul-88 09:30:27 @
You do not have to use the ESC key when logging in. However, the ESC key provides guidewords that prompt you for user name, password and account. Spaces between arguments are sufficient if you do not need the help of guidewords. For example: LOGIN SARTINI password 341.
Your user name identifies you to the system and to other users. A user name may contain up to 39 alphanumeric characters, as well as period (.) and hyphen (-). Your user name is also the name of your login directory.
To provide security, you must give a password when logging in. Depending on the procedures at your site, you may be assigned a password or allowed to select one for your first login. When you type your password, it is not displayed on the terminal; this prevents others from learning it and logging into your area without your authorization. Selecting Secure Passwords - Use these guidelines in selecting a password: Keeping Your Password a Secret - Often illegal system accesses involving the use of a correct password can be traced to disclosure of the password by its owner. Do not be unconcerned about protecting your password because you do not keep any sensitive information on the system. A system breaker could use your password to gain more information about the system and break into other areas, or a malicious user could destroy your files or steal computer time.
Use these guidelines to prevent others from learning your password:
@SET DIRECTORY PASSWORD <login-directory-name>
To log in to the system, you must give a valid account. Your account is billed for central processor unit (CPU) usage and for file storage.
Once you log in, all charges are made to the account you give in the LOGIN command unless you specify otherwise. If your login directory has a default account, you do not have to specify an account when you login. If you must change your account during a job, give the SET ACCOUNT command or include the ;A attribute in the file specification. (Refer to Section 4.2.7, file attributes.) However, you can change it only to another valid account.
The LOGIN command allows for an optional argument following your account. If you press the ESC key after typing your account, the system prints the guidewords (SESSION-REMARK). You can then type one line of text to identify a specific work session for accounting purposes. This session remark cannot exceed 39 alphanumeric characters, including hyphens and spaces. If you need to change the SESSION-REMARK during a job, give the SET SESSION-REMARK command.
You can see the current session-remark for your job when you give the INFORMATION JOB-STATUS command.
You can create a LOGIN.CMD file that contains the TOPS-20 commands you want executed when you log in. The system automatically reads this command file every time you log in. After executing these commands, the system prints any output from the commands followed by the message End of LOGIN.CMD and the TOPS-20 prompt (@).
For example, if you always use a VT100 terminal, you can include a TERMINAL VT100 command in a LOGIN.CMD file. Every time you log in, the system reads the LOGIN.CMD file and recognizes the terminal as a VT100. All output to the terminal conforms to the parameters set for a VT100. Below is an example of a typical LOGIN.CMD file. Note that comments are preceded by an exclamation mark (!). (Refer to Section 2.6 for information on adding comments.) The commands in this file are discussed in the following chapters.
TERMINAL VT100 !Set the parameters for a VT100 TERMINAL PAUSE CHARACTER SPACE SPACE !Set the space bar to stop and ! start terminal output TERMINAL PAUSE END-OF-PAGE !Stop scrolling output at end ! of page DEFINE WK: WORK:<LEOPOLD> !Define a logical name for a ! directory DEFINE EDITOR: SYS:EDT.EXE !Define a logical name for ! an editor DEFINE PB: PS:PHONE.BOOK !Define a logical name for a file INFORMATION LOGICAL-NAMES !Display the logical names defined ! in the three previous commands MOUNT STRUCTURE WORK: /NOWAIT !Mount the structure WORK: SET PROGRAM DSR KEEP CONTINUE !Keep program DSR when it's ! started SET ALERT 16:25 VANPOOL IN 5 MINUTES !Set a daily reminder DAYTIME !Display the date and time
If there is an error with one of the commands, the system processes the commands up to the one in error. When the system encounters the error, it stops reading the file and prints the following message:
%Error while reading LOGIN.CMD.1, file aborted.followed by the message produced by the command in error.
You can also create a COMAND.CMD file that contains any TOPS-20 commands you want executed when you log in. The COMAND.CMD file differs from the LOGIN.CMD file because the system automatically reads the COMAND.CMD file whenever you give a PUSH command as well as every time you log in. (Refer to Section 8.6 for an example using the PUSH command.) After executing the commands in the COMAND.CMD file, the system prints any output from the commands followed by the message End of COMAND.CMD and the TOPS-20 prompt.
Note that the system reads the LOGIN.CMD file before it reads the COMAND.CMD file. If there are conflicting commands in the two files, the last command executed (that is, the one in the COMAND.CMD file) takes precedence.
The system processes the LOGIN command line or the PUSH command before it reads the LOGIN.CMD file or the COMAND.CMD file. Therefore, you are still successfully logged into the system or the PUSH command is still in effect, even if the command file contains an error.
Your system manager can create system-wide LOGIN.CMD and COMAND.CMD files. Like your own command files, the system LOGIN.CMD and COMAND.CMD files are executed automatically when you login. Each system command file is executed before your own file of the same name:
If your site has system-wide LOGIN.CMD and COMAND.CMD files, you should examine the commands in these files to avoid putting duplicate commands in your own command files. To display the system LOGIN.CMD file give the command:
@TYPE SYSTEM:LOGIN.CMDRefer to Chapter 5 for information on how to create files.
When you want to leave the system, you should not just turn off your terminal and walk away; you should tell the system you are leaving. To leave the system, type LOGOUT after the @, and press the RETURN key. This terminates your communication with the system. This procedure is called logging out.
@LOGOUTAfter you press the RETURN key, you will see a message similar to:
Killed Job 57, User SARTINI, Account 341, TTY 127, at 23-Mar-88 09:49:36, Used 0:0:14 in 1:25:56
This message indicates that you have successfully logged off the system. Your job number was 57, your user name was SARTINI, your account was 341, the terminal you were using was connected to terminal line 127. You left the system at 09:49:36 on March 23, 1988. The last part of the message indicates how long the system actually worked for you (14 seconds) and how long you were logged in (1 hour, 25 minutes, and 56 seconds).
If you do not log off the system, your terminal will not be free for another user. Also, someone can come along and do work on the system under your identification, and you will be charged for the computer use.
If you type a character to get the system's attention and fail to log in within 5 minutes, the system automatically logs you off the system and prints the LOGOUT message. This message is similar to the following:
Autologout Killed Job 8, TTY 26, at 23-Mar-88 10:50:35, Used 0:0:0 in 5:15If you are on a dial up line, the system hangs up the line.
After you log in to the system, you may find you need to set additional terminal parameters for your work. The following sections describe more parameters you can set. For a complete description of all parameters you can set with the TERMINAL command, refer to the TOPS-20 Commands Reference Manual. If you are reading this manual for the first time, you can skip these sections until later.
When you declare the terminal type, the system sets a page length for the terminal. The length of the page varies depending on the type of terminal. To change the page length, give the TERMINAL LENGTH command.
The system uses the page length to determine where to stop terminal output when TERMINAL PAUSE END-OF-PAGE is set. The page length is also important when using formfeeds.
To change the page length to 30, give the following command.
The system sets a line width for the terminal when you identify the terminal type. To change the line width, give the TERMINAL WIDTH command. The width can be set at a minimum of 8 characters per line to a maximum of 255 characters per line. To change the line width to 50, give the following command.
If a line of input or output on your terminal exceeds the width set for the terminal, the system prints the maximum number of characters on one line and continues printing on the following lines. This can affect the number of lines the system prints when page mode is set.
On a hard-copy terminal with a mechanical formfeed, the system advances the paper to the top of the next page by outputting a formfeed character (CTRL/L). On a hard-copy terminal without a formfeed mechanism, the system can simulate a formfeed by outputting the proper number of linefeeds. Usually the system prints ^L instead of advancing the paper.
To advance the paper to the top of the next page and prevent the ^L from printing, give the TERMINAL NO INDICATE command. Use this command to print a memo, report, or information that you want to appear on individual pages.
When you declare the terminal type, the system simulates formfeeds if they are required by the terminal. You can also use the TERMINAL NO FORMFEED command to force the system to simulate formfeeds regardless of the terminal type.