The home page of Jean-Marc Bourguet

Welcome to my home page.

This is a new design which was put online on 1st March 2009. The old version is still available here in case you are searching for something I hided too well or forgot to carry on.

On this site, some pages are in English, some in French and some are even available in both languages. Hopefully your browser will negotiate with the server so that you get the version you prefer but you should be able to get the other language version with the link in the navigation panel. In english text, I've tried to signal links pointing to information in french by appending (FR). Likewise, in french text, I've signaled links leading to pages in english with (EN).

I'd be happy to receive any comment on the site, about the content as well as the presentation or the form. Don't worry about me being overflowed with such comments, I'm still waiting for the first one since the site is online!


All is new. Or nothing is if you take into account that everything was already there. But take into account that the content of some pages has been enhanced and I've tried to give HTML version of what was only available in PDF.

Most consulted links

I intend to update the following from time to time to reflect what most people find interesting.