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Reserves a specific input-output device for your job.
You can use the ASSIGN command to assign tape drives only if they are of the form MTAn:. Tape device names of the form MTn: are logical device names only, and are assigned automatically at the time of MOUNT TAPE commands.
DEASSIGN | for releasing a previously assigned device |
MOUNT | for mounting a structure or magnetic tape set without assigning a specific drive |
INFORMATION AVAILABLE DEVICES | for finding out which devices can be assigned or have been assigned to your job |
@INFORMATION AVAILABLE DEVICES Devices available to this job: DSK, PS, SNARK, MISC, LANG, MTA1, LPT, LPT0, LPT1 CDR, PCDR0, CDP FE1-15, PTY20-61, NUL, PLT, PLT0 DCN, SRV Devices assigned to/opened by this job: TTY41 @ASSIGN PCDR0:
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