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Attaches a job to your terminal.
@ATTACH (USER) name (JOB #) number PASSWORD: password
Default | the only job, or only detached job, or only job other than your current job, logged in under the user name you give. |
If you give the ATTACH command while logged in, your current job is detached. You can use the LOGOUT n command to log out this detached job.
If you log in to the system by telephone lines and service is interrupted for any reason, use the ATTACH command to restore the connection. If you do not do this within the time limit set by the system manager (usually five minutes), your job will be logged out automatically and you will have to log in again.
The system will ask you to confirm your choice with a carriage return before attaching to your terminal a job that is attached elsewhere. If you attach an attached job that is running a program, that program may be sent one or more CTRL/Cs, which can affect programs that handle CTRL/C themselves. To avoid this possibility you must give a DETACH command from the terminal to which the program's job is attached, then attach this job to your terminal with an ATTACH command.
The ATTACH command affects neither memory nor the job that you are attaching (but see Warning, above), and leaves your terminal at TOPS-20 command level unless a program is being run by the job. If a program is being run, your terminal is left at command level, if any, in the job. Your terminal's characteristics will be those established in the job from which you gave the ATTACH command; if you were not logged in, they will be reset to system default characteristics.
SYSTAT | for finding out the user name and job number associated with any job |
DETACH | for disengaging a job from your own terminal |
UNATTACH | for disengaging a job from any other terminal |
@ATTACH LATTA Password:___
@ATTACH LATTA Job 37, Detached, Running DETACH Job 54, Detached, Running EXEC Job:37 Password:___
@SYSTAT LATTA 37 26 NEWRUN LATTA 58 DET EXEC LATTA 59* 231 EXEC LATTA @ATTACH LATTA Detaching job # 59 @INFORMATION JOB-STATUS Host AURORA Job 58, TTY314 kilpa.TOPS20.dec.com(TCP) User LATTA, PS:<LATTA>, Account 341
@INFORMATION JOB-STATUS Host AURORA Job 9, TTY26 kilpa.TOPS20.dec.com(TCP) User LATTA, PS:<LATTA>, Account 341 @RUN FFACTOR ^C @DETACH CONTINUE Detaching job # 9 ^C !Not displayed on terminal TEDDY, Controller Dept. TOPS-20 Monitor 7(7) @SYSTAT LATTA 9 DET FFACTO LATTA 45* 41 SYSTAT LATTA @ATTACH LATTA 45 [Attached to TTY41, confirm] Password:___
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